Classic Newark, NJ

Classic Newark, NJ

Did you know?
WM.S. Rich and Son has been around for 5 Generations! William Rich founded the pawn shop in 1896. The last Rich family owner was Gabe Rich, William’s grandson. Gabe sold the business to Sablosky’s father and business partner Frank Valvano in 1985. Irwin Sablosky’s father had worked with them for 50 years before he bought the business. The current owners are his and Valvano’s sons Irwin and Frank Valvano Jr.

Our Flagship Store location at 857 Broad Street in Newark, NJ.
Our Flagship Store location at 857 Broad Street in Newark, NJ.
Sablosky’s father, owner of WM.S. Rich and Son, Inc.

Everyone in Newark knows Rich’s. Irwin put it nicely when he said, “We’ve been serving grandma, grandpa, great grandpa- everybody knows where Rich’s is. We‘ve always been a part of the city and support it in any way that we can.” In a city where everything is changing, it’s nice that Rich and Son has been here for a while. We appreciate business that choose to come and stay in Newark. It sends a signal to everyone that Newark is a good investment, and that this city has value.

Lean more about the WM.S. Rich and Son, Inc. at the Classic Newark page.

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